Big cart in a grocery store for grocery shopping

For most Filipino households, grocery shopping can often take up a significant portion of the budget. So to make sure we are not always going over our budget we have to learn ways on how we will not overspend every time we go to the groceries. 

Grocery shopping can be so costly but with a little bit of planning and some smart shopping strategies, it’s possible to cut down on grocery expenses and save money in the long run. This guide will share some of the best tips and tricks for saving money on groceries in the Philippines.

1. Set an amount for your grocery budget.

The first step to making sure you save money for your groceries is to set a specific budget for your monthly or weekly groceries.

This way, you will be aware that you can’t make unnecessary expenses because this will affect your overall budget.

2. Set a Schedule for your grocery shopping.

Setting a schedule for your grocery shopping is very helpful for you to be able to save money on gas and other related expenses.

Scheduling a specific day or even the frequency of your grocery shopping every week or every month will help you save and avoid overspending. Unscheduled grocery time can lead to buying more things that may not also be necessary.

3. Make a shopping list.

One of the best ways to avoid overspending on groceries is to make a grocery shopping list.

Before heading to the store, take some time to plan out meals for the week. Since you already have your meal plan, you already know what ingredients you need for each meal, and then make a list of the ingredients.

Once you list all the ingredients, put an approximate price for each item to see how much is your approximate budget. This is a great way to ensure you are within your set amount for groceries.

Then, when you’re at the store, resist the temptation to make impulse purchases that aren’t on your list.

4. Shop on a full stomach

Have you ever experienced shopping while you’re hungry?

What have you noticed?

I’m not sure about you, but for me, I over spend most of the time. I always end up buying extra food that’s not on my list and even unhealthy.

So that’s our fourth tip, never go grocery shopping with an empty stomach to make sure you will not end up buying a lot of food that’s not necessary and go way beyond your budget.

5. Buy in bulk when it makes sense.

Buying in bulk can be a great way to save money on groceries, especially for non-perishable items that you use regularly. However, compare prices per unit to ensure you’re actually getting a better deal by buying in bulk.

You should also consider whether you have enough storage space for the items you’re buying so you won’t end up having spoiled food and spending more instead of having more savings.

6. Look for sales or promotions.

Be on the lookout for sales and promotions at your local grocery store, as they can offer significant savings on items you use regularly.

This is normally happening in big grocery stores when there are special occations like that of the Christmas holidays, you get to see some items on sale.

In some smaller grocery stores, you can find more promotions or sale items more often. If you’re not the type of person who goes to the other grocery stores other than the big ones. You can actually try this out. Check a small grocery store near you and see if you can find some items on sale.

Make sure you will not buy things that are not necessary just because they are on sale.

7. Compare prices between stores.

Don’t assume that all grocery stores have the same prices because they don’t. There’s always a difference.

Take some time to compare prices between different stores to find the best deals on the items you need. You may find that certain stores are consistently cheaper than others, so it may be worth making a trip to a different store if you can save a significant amount of money.

8. Compare prices between different brands.

Do you stick with one brand only when doing grocery shopping?

We recommend you try and check different brands and compare prices.

You normally see the same items put together, you just have to check their prices and don’t be afraid to try other cheaper brands.

Sometimes you’ll realize that they actually taste the same, or the cheaper one might be even better base on your taste and other factors.

Don’t just stick with whatever you know already or what you see in advertisements.

Many grocery stores also offer their own brand of products, which are often cheaper than name-brand items. Don’t be afraid to try store-brand items, as they can be just as good as the name-brand alternatives.

9. Compare prices between different brands.

If you can, do some computation.

Sum the items based on what you already purchased, and make sure you’re not going over your budgeted amount.

This can also be a good way to see if you have some extra amount to buy any other important things that you missed to include in your list.

10. Check your receipt after paying.

Always review the receipt before leaving the counter.

Mistakes do happen, and it’s sometimes a hassle to get back and have something corrected when you get overcharged.

We had experienced things like this before where they punched the items incorrectly. Like it is a different brand of canned goods and was punched as the same items, and it was based on the higher priced item. We realized this when we got home, and we never got back to have it corrected because of the distance.


There are numerous ways to save while shopping for groceries. However, similar to any other suggestions or recommendations, it is crucial to take note of them and put them into action.

By implementing these tips, you can determine which suggestions are the most efficient for your specific circumstances. It is essential to be aware of your spending habits and prioritize your requirements over your wants and desires.

If some of these tips and tricks appear difficult and challenging, you can still incorporate a few of them without feeling pressured to execute them all. Concentrate on your objectives and make adequate plans for your grocery shopping.